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Act On It

Guidance and Training Console

Challenge: Ensuring consistent and standardized processes adoption can be a real challenge, especially when adapting to changing procedures and onboarding new team members. Managers often rely on reporting, chasing, and repetitive training to enhance process continuity and maintain sales and service excellence. 


Solution: Wouldn't it be nice to answer your team's questions before they're even asked? Act On It's guidance and training console provides timely, contextual messages, instructions, and tailored actions based on Salesforce data. 

This self-service tool lets you effortlessly capture your genius and deliver tactical, real-time instructions tailored to each case, task, deal and more! It ensures adherence to company policies and promotes proactive deal and case management.

For example, alerting case owners when there is already an open case for a contact means customers won’t be contacted by two separate service professionals. Or providing tailored step by step guidance for varying deal or product types to train and guide professionals for efficiency and consistency across the team.

Result: New professionals learn best practices faster, reducing training time, minimizing mistakes and ensuring consistency and adherence to company policies. Managers have full control over guidance, driving behaviours and enhancing team performance. Seamlessly embed your hard-won best practices, answer questions before they’re asked, and ‘lead by example’ at scale!


Click here to begin learning how to deliver real time guidance via the Guidance and Training console.