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Act On It

Salesforce Record Reminders

Challenge: Managing work items and ensuring timely follow-ups can be challenging without reminders. Employees often resort to setting reminders in Outlook and other calendars, doubling their efforts and diverting focus from Salesforce.


Solution: Act On It enables professionals to easily set reminders on any record to ensure important follow-ups are not overlooked. Reminders can be manually set or automatically created by admins. Act On It notifies professionals at the specified date and time using their preferred communication methods.


Result: This feature streamlines task management, boosts productivity, and prevents important work items from being forgotten. It offers flexibility to professionals and reduces the risk of neglecting critical tasks. It is particularly valuable for work involving customer interactions or third-party communication, allowing users to set reminders that refocus their attention when necessary, facilitating timely case resolution and fostering a proactive approach to deal management.
